Parental Alienation Conferences
Australia & New Zealand
Q: What is Parental Alienation?
For a simple overview, the following definitions go some way to introduce the concept to a new reader:
Parental alienation is a mental condition in which a child—usually one whose parents are engaged in a high-conflict separation or divorce—allies strongly with an alienating parent and rejects a relationship with the other parent, the “target” parent, without legitimate justification. Lorandos, D., Bernet, W. (Eds.) (2020). Parental Alienation – Science and Law. Warshak, R.S. (2010). Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Badmouthing and Brainwashing.
Parental alienation is a family dynamic in which a parent engages in behaviors that can cause a child to unjustifiably reject the other parent. These behaviors are referred to as “parental alienation strategies” or “parental alienation behaviors.” Baker, A.J.L., Sauber, S.R. (2013). Working with Alienated Children and Families: A Clinical Guidebook.
Parental alienation can be classified as a psychological hazard to the welfare of a child resulting from an abuse of parental care that exploits the dependency relationship of the child. Boch-Galhau, W.v. (2018), Parental Alienation (Syndrome) – A Serious Form of Psychological Child Abuse. Mental Health Fam Med 14:725-739.
We suggest referring to good quality resources such as PASG for more information.
Q: How do I attend?
Attendance of these events through 2025 is strictly by ticket. Tickets are free and can be booked instantly online here.
If you are attending in-person, you'll get an email invite about a week before the event telling you where to go, parking, transport etc.
If you select online tickets, you'll get an emailed link about a week before the event. The link will only admit one person so, if you planning a few people attending from, say a work team, each person will need to book their own ticket.
Important note for non professional individuals looking to attend in-person; we're very happy to have you join us but these in-person events are primarily aimed at local professionals. If seats become limited due to high levels of booking, we may ask 'non professional in-person' bookings to instead join us online to enable local professionals to meet in person our specially booked experts. We'll try to avoid this happening but it is a possibility we ask attendee's be aware of. There is no limit to the number of online attendees so there will always be a way to watch, listen and interact with our expert speakers.
Q: What's unique about ANZPAC?
After decades of advocacy for separating parents, PBB believes it’s time for a new approach to tackling Parental Alienation (PA), launching a 2025 roadshow across Australia and New Zealand (and available online further afield) to engage experts, frontline professionals, and those personally affected.
Through structured discussions and expert insights, we aim to drive deeper understanding and meaningful change, culminating in a landmark paper outlining best practices and policy recommendations for federal and state lawmakers.
As a national suicide prevention charity, we see the devastating impact of PA firsthand, and we’re committed to speaking with those who have the answers - so together, we can reshape how this issue is understood and addressed for generations to come.
To date, general efforts by many concerned groups has focused on raising awareness. The time has come to provide high quality practical policy frameworks to help legislators make the right decisions about what must be done.
For the avoidance of doubt, PBB has no strong position or perspective outside of the need to find better ways to manage high conflict separation in order to help save many unnecessarily lost lives each year. Our position is that high quality conversations must tak eplace and we aim to make that happen in a way that has not yet been seen in Australia and New Zealand. These events, in-person and online, are just the start of the campaign to have this issue looked at more closely, not least its specific link to suicide.
Q: Who are these events for?
These events are relevant to those impacted by Parental Alienation and professionals and others that work in the sector or with impacted individuals.
Professionals with a potential interest might include:
Psychologists / Psychiatrists
Expert Witnesses
GPs (General Practitioners)
Social Workers
Counsellors / Therapists
Educators / School Principles
Those working in suicide prevention
Law Enforcement
Politicians / Policy Development Consultants
Academics / Researchers
Peer support workers
Please note that, whilst (non professional) individuals impacted by PA are very welcome, we are prioritising available 'in-person' tickets to professionals local to these events with a view to best help those that work in the sector gaining a good understanding of the issues and to meet directly with international experts to whom they may later refer. There are however a limitless number of places online allowing all attendees to watch interact with our speakers.
Q: Link between PA and Suicide?
For over 25 years, PBB has supported parents, mums and dads alike, experiencing high conflict family breakups. All too often, these situations are characterised by a denial of contact with one parent at the instigation of the other. Over 50% of those attending a support group for the first time, report recently feeling suicidal. The most common reason shared (by hundreds of thousands of parents over 25 years) is intentional denial of contact with their children by the other parent.
Research (Youtube Video here and Professional Blog Article here) has shown a link between the phenomena known as Parental Alienation and parental suicide. Perhaps most disturbingly, we are increasingly hearing of children choosing to take their lives because they are living with dysfunctional parenting post separation and/or through denial of one of their parents - an example of an Australian coronial Inquest into the tragic suicide of a 13 year old boy speaks to this growing issue.
PBB is a suicide prevention support charity; to better understand and manage this phenomena is critical to saving lives in Australia, New Zealand and further afield.
Q: Benefits for Professionals?
Lawyers, Social Workers, Psychologists, Counsellors and other professionals may earn CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points through attending these events.
Example: Lawyers earn 1 CPD point for each event through categories of either 'Substantive Law' or 'Professional Skills'. Multiple events attended = multiple CPB points. The specific classification depends on the practitioner's assessment of how the content aligns with their CPD requirements.
PBB will provide evidence of your attendance after the event.
Professionals can check requirements for their specific (occasionally state based) CPD rules at the following links:
For other professions, simple use a search engine and look for 'CPD points for PROFESSION'. Whilst it can vary, typically points are allowed for areas of expertise you believe are relevant to your professional development.
Time for Change. Join us.
The next three events:
(use link below to view additional / later events)
Hawthorn VIC
26th Feb'25 @ 12:00 (AEDT)
90 mins lunch time session (12:00-13:30)
light lunch buffet will be provided for in-person
Dr Stan Korosi (AU)
(AU) Sociologist & PA Expert Witness
Alfonso Leyson (AU)
(AU) Independant Children's Lawyer
San Francisco, California, USA: Wed Feb 26, 17:00 / 5:00 pm
New York City, New York, USA: Wed Feb 26, 20:00 / 8:00 pm
London, UK: Thu Feb 27, 01:00 / 1:00 am
Perth, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 09:00 / 9:00 am
Brisbane, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 11:00 / 11:00 am
Adelaide, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 11:30 / 11:30 am
Darwin, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 10:30 / 10:30 am
Sydney, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Melbourne, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Hobart, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Auckland, New Zealand: Thu Feb 27, 14:00 / 2:00 pm
Hobart TAS
13th Mar'25 @ 12:00 (AEDT)
90 mins lunch time session (12:00-13:30)
light lunch buffet will be provided for in-person
Details to be revealed soon...
(AU) Professor of Law, Consultant on Govt Policy
Details to be revealed soon...
(NZ) Mediator & PA Expert
San Francisco, California, USA: Wed Feb 26, 17:00 / 5:00 pm
New York City, New York, USA: Wed Feb 26, 20:00 / 8:00 pm
London, UK: Thu Feb 27, 01:00 / 1:00 am
Perth, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 09:00 / 9:00 am
Brisbane, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 11:00 / 11:00 am
Adelaide, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 11:30 / 11:30 am
Darwin, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 10:30 / 10:30 am
Sydney, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Melbourne, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Hobart, Australia: Thu Feb 27, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Auckland, New Zealand: Thu Feb 27, 14:00 / 2:00 pm
Newcastle NSW
10th Apr'25 @ 12:00 (AEST)
90 mins lunch time session (12:00-13:30)
light lunch buffet will be provided for in-person
Details to be revealed soon...
(AU) Investigative Journalist, Author & Campaigner
Details to be revealed soon...
(US) Professor of Psychiatry, PA Expert
San Francisco, California, USA: Wed Apr 9, 19:00 / 7:00 pm
New York City, New York, USA: Wed Apr 9, 22:00 / 10:00 pm
London, UK: Thu Apr 10, 03:00 / 3:00 am
Perth, Australia: Thu Apr 10, 10:00 / 10:00 am
Brisbane, Australia: Thu Apr 10, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Adelaide, Australia: Thu Apr 10, 11:30 / 11:30 am
Darwin, Australia: Thu Apr 10, 11:30 / 11:30 am
Sydney, Australia: Thu Apr 10, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Melbourne, Australia: Thu Apr 10, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Hobart, Australia: Thu Apr 10, 12:00 / 12:00 pm
Auckland, New Zealand: Thu Apr 10, 14:00 / 2:00 pm
Later PA events 2025 (Click to open)
Tickets available now
Perth WA, 22nd May'25
(AU) Professor of Law
(UK) Psychotherapist on PA Reunification
(UK) Professor of Psychology
Canberra ACT, 25th Jun'25
Speakers to be confirmed
Darwin NT, 10th Jul'25
(AU) Aboriginal Elder - Lessons from the Stolen Generation
(UK) CEO of Charity - Child/Parent Reunification
Brisbane, 31st Jul'25
Speakers to be confirmed
Adelaide SA, 28th Aug'25
Speakers to be confirmed
Auckland NZ, 10th Sep'25
(NZ) Mediator, PA Expert
Tickets available soon
Sydney NSW, 12th Oct'25
Speakers to be confirmed
See what you missed in earlier events
Pre-webinar Trailer 12/10/24
Our 12th Oct'24 webinar announces and kicks off our PA Conference roadshow 2025.
For those that could not make it, we'll be posting extracts from this conference below.
Extracts from previous talks by Pete Nicholls, Dr San Korosi, Dr Alyse Price-Tobler and Adam Jones
2024 Alienated Parent & Professional (Session 1)
Alienated dad Pete Nicholls, also CEO of Parents Beyond Breakup, speaks to his experience and how he believes change can start to occur. Extract from the 12th October 2024 webinar.
2024 Alienated Parent & Professional (Session 2)
Alienated dad Dr Stan Korosi PhD, speaks to his experience and how he believes change can start to occur. Extract from the 12th October 2024 webinar.
2024 Alienated Child & Professional (Session 3)
Alienated child (now adult) Dr Alyse Price-Tobler PhD, speaks to her experience and how she believes change can start to occur. Extract from the 12th October 2024 webinar.
2025 AU/NZ Roadshow Updates
Looking for help/insights right now?
New Zealand (including helpline +61266528113 operating every day)