Mums In Distress

Keeping mums alive and in their kids lives

What is MIDs?

MIDs (or 'Mums in Distress') is a national support service for separated mums doing it tough.ย 

Suport is free, confidential, female friendly and non judgemental.ย 

The things mums speak to us most about include:

If you have any questions, call us on 1300 853437. 1300 853 437.


All support is 100% free, confidential, non judgemental and female friendly.ย 

Immediate access

โ˜Ž๏ธ Helpline (MIDs specific with female operator)

โ˜Ž๏ธ Helpline

โœ๏ธ Email

By invitation after a booked call

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ ZOOM - Online weekly MIDs Group

๐Ÿ’ฌ Private MIDs 24/7 chat forum

Why do you need to book a call before accessing our online groups?

Book a mum peer call ๐Ÿ‘‡

This is a 1-2-1 support call but it's also your intake to join our online groups

Talk about how you feel, difficulties you're facing, child custody and contact issues, child support matters, legal problems, domestic violence, difficulties communicating with the other parent, parental alienation or anything else you're currently struggling with in relation to family breakdown.

MIDs website early 2000's

History of MIDs

We've been looking after mums right from the start of our organisation in 1999, our charity originally being called 'Dads in Distress'.ย  Separated mums would turn up at the meetings and were always made welcome.ย 

Later, around 2004, we launched a dedicated support for mums called called 'Mums in Distress' (MIDs) to better focus on the needs of mums.

In 2016, we rebranded the overall charity to Parents Beyond Breakup to better reflect that we were equally supporting all parents, with separate and gender specific frontline programs 'Mums in Distress' and 'Dads in Distress'.ย 

Here's a screenshot from our early website showing our original MIDs branding.ย 

Today, 'Parents Beyond Breakup' is a fully gender neutral and gender inclusive national suicide prevention charity, focussing on supporting all parents post family breakdown. We're extremely proud to have joint Chairs of the Board (one male, one female) and having a high gender mix in our Board and HQ Operational team.